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孫琳是一位文化人類學家。 她的研究興趣在於如何在人類與其環境之間密切而復雜的互動中表達各種親密體驗,以及話語如何變得具有情感並因此“感動”人們。 在她目前的研究項目中,她使用體驗接近的方法探索了這個主題,研究項目是如何構建和體驗當今生活在中國和日本城市的已婚女性的“婚姻幸福”一組占主導地位的溫暖和模糊的邏輯。 她現在正致力於將這項研究轉化為書籍手稿。

在中大任教之前,孫博士是早稻田大學的客座研究員。 她還是喬治城大學發起的美中文化與公益研究小組的成員。 孫博士現在教授關於親密關係、性別和流行文化的本科和碩士課程。

Research Interests:

  • intimate experiences
  • happiness and well-being
  • anthropology of affect
  • anthropology of ethics
  • anthropology of China and Japan

Representative Publications

Journal Articles & Book Chapters

Forthcoming Jan. 2025

“Dreams of Marriage: Social Media and Disconnect for Young Married Women.” In Becky Hsu, ed., The Extraordinary in the Mundane Family and Forms of Community in China. New York: Columbia University Press.


Sun Lin 孫琳. “卡在夾縫間的「幸福」——由一個「老三屆」上海女人的婚姻說起” in 人類學好野——關於人類的,我都想學, edited by Huang Xiuwei, 117-132. Hong Kong: Humming Publishing, 2020.

Courses Offered

CHES1000 Introduction to Chinese Studies
CHES1100 Unofficial China
CHES2002 Chinese Culture and Society in Transformation
CHES2101/ CCSS2120 Chinese Family and Marriage
CHES2103/ UGEC2434/ CCSS2005 Popular Culture in Contemporary China / Contemporary Chinese Popular Culture
CHES2104 Consumer Culture in Contemporary China
CHES3009 Youth in China
CHES3014 Family, Marriage and Love: Exploring Intimate Relationships in Contemporary China
CHES3403 Social-Cultural Immersion
CHES4005 Directed Studies Practicum
CHES4500 Thesis Research Paper
CHES5101 Selected Themes on Gender in China
CHES5106 Selected Themes on Chinese Anthropology
CHES5201A Independent Study Project
CHES5202 Research Lab Project