Course Code and Course Title
[CHES3400] Social Enterprise Project in China
Time and Venue
May 23, 26-30, 2025, Hong Kong & Shenzhen
Course Description
This course aims to deepen the students’ understanding on social, business and policy entrepreneurship as well as career opportunities and challenges in the context of China’s Greater Bay Area development (GBA: the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area) and broaden the students’ social practices exposure through lectures, site visits, group projects, presentations, and discussions. There will be a particular focus on public policy, social welfare, innovation, sustainable development, and financial sector. This course will invite distinguished practitioners and experts from the business, policy, and non-government organizations communities as well as the academia to share their insights and experience.
Course Outline
May 23 Course Overview and the Global, National and Regional Context
May 23, May 26-30 Site visits or Lectures by both academic researchers and distinguished practitioners and experts from the business, policy, and non-government organization communities on various themes (including entrepreneurship, philanthropy, innovation, venture capital, social enterprises, education, elderly care, real estate and housing, GBA financial services sector development, GBA economic development, Hong Kong’s governance reform and policy challenges etc.). Tutorials will focus on the progress of the group projects.
The details on speakers and schedules will be confirmed at a later stage. A preliminary list of speakers (to be confirmed) include distinguished practitioners and experts from Hong Kong Legislative Council, Hong Kong Financial Services Development Council (FSDC), Yan Chai Hospital, Yim Tin Tsai cultural heritage sites, Shenzhen Finance Institute, Huawei, Sun Hung Kai Properties, PwC, and etc, as well as scholars from CUHK, CUHK (Shenzhen), and etc.
May 30 Group Project Presentations June 5 Group Project Report Due June 9 Individual Reading Reports Due