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我出生在嶺南的一個江邊小城,於 2008 年在香港中文大學(逸夫書院)攻讀工商管理本科,期間到灣仔的一家諮詢公司進行實習。在實踐過程中,我逐漸意識到在商界發展並非所求。幸運的是,中大的通識教育系統讓我可以探索專業以外的未知智識領域:從考古到電影研究,在一堂呂烈丹教授開設的關於文化遺產的通識課上領略到了社會人類學的魅力,並對民族誌研究產生濃厚興趣。我的學術之旅開始於中大性別研究(人類學為母學科),並於2016年獲取哲學碩士學位。隨後,我在劍橋大學亞洲和中東研究學院取得博士學位(2021)。在英國生活了五年後,我回到了一直滋養我成長的香港學術界,並有幸加入了中國研究中心。


目前,我正在將碩論整理並出版成我的第一本專書。同時,我也與我的博士導師周越教授合著一本用界這個概念理解中國當代政體的書。部分研究成果已發表在 Memory studies 和 Journal of Contemporary Religion等期刊。我也有幸被 New Media and Society, Memory StudiesTwentieth-Century China 等期刊的編輯邀請成為審稿人。

Representative Publications

Books and Edited Volumes


Lin, Jacqueline Zhenru. Making National Heroes: The Exemplarist Production of Masculinities in Contemporary China. The Hong Kong University Press. (2024)

Journal Articles & Book Chapters


Lin, Jacqueline Zhenru. “Performative filiality and Chinese Voluntary Associations in Transnational Commemoration of the Second World War.”  Ethnic and Racial Studies


Lin, Jacqueline Zhenru. “Souls of Contention and Incommensurate Mourning: Commemorative Rituals in Contemporary China.”  Journal of Contemporary Religion 37, no. 3 (2022): 401-418. 


Lin, Zhenru. “Remembering forgotten heroes and the idealisation of true love: Veteran memorial activism in contemporary China.” Memory Studies 14, no. 5 (2021): 1081-1105.



Lin, Jacqueline Zhenru. Book Review Governing Death, Making Persons: The New Chinese Way of Death. The China Journal 90(3):433-5.


A University news story, based on Dr Jacqueline Zhenru Lin’s PhD thesis and her article published in the Journal of Memory Studies, has picked up a CASE award, one of the only significant international awards for Research Communications.



Lin, Zhenru. “The Architecture of the Digital Space.” Feeling Digital and Reimagining Fieldwork during COVID Time Workshop, May 12th-13th, organized by The Hong Kong Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences (HKIHSS), HKU Anthropology Research Network and HKU Department of Sociology.


Lin, Zhenru. “Book Review: Management and Morality: an Ethnographic Exploration of Management Consultancy Seminars.” Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale 28, no. 4 (2020): 1007-08. DOI: 10.1111/1469- 8676.12947.


Lin, Zhenru. “Gendered Moral Codes in China. Anthropology News website 60, no. 6 (December, 2019): e182-e186.

Current Research Projects

2022–24. PI. “Martyrs to Ghosts, Ghosts to Martyrs: Transnational Commemoration of the Second World War in Asia.” General Research Fund, Hong Kong Research Grants Council.

2022. PI. “the Social Lives of Dead Bodies: Technologies of Identifications and the Politics of Memorialization in China.” Direct Grant for Research, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Courses Offered

CHES1000 Introduction to Chinese Studies
CHES3004 Media China
CHES4500 Thesis Research
CHES5110 Selected Themes on Chinese Media
CHES6010 China Seminar I
CHES6020 China Seminar II