On Saturday 5 November 2022, Centre for China Studies (CCS), CUHK and the Institute for International Affairs (IIA), CUHK (Shenzhen) successfully hosted a symposium entitled ‘Policy Innovation in the Greater Bay Area: Smart Integration under China’s “Dual Circulation” Strategy’. This event is also supported by Institute of Chinese Studies, CUHK; Institute of Policy and Practice of Shenzhen Finance Institute, CUHK(Shenzhen); Hua Jing Society; Hong Kong Institution for International Finance.
Following opening remarks from Mr Laurie Pearcey (Associate Vice-President [External Engagement and Outreach], CUHK), keynote speeches were delivered by Prof. Zheng Yongnian (Professor, CUHK Shenzhen; Director, The Institute for International Affairs, CUHK Shenzhen) on Governance, talent, and regional integration and Prof. Xiao Geng (Professor of Practice, CUHK Shenzhen; Director of Institute of Policy and Practice, Shenzhen Institute of Finance, CUHK Shenzhen; Chairman of the Hong Kong Institution for International Finance) on Finance, innovation, and dual circulation.
The keynote speeches were followed by in-depth panel discussions on policy innovation in the Greater Bay Area, featuring leading experts from the academic, policy and business community, including Dr. Hon. Hoey Simon Lee (M.H., JP. Member of the Legislative Council; CSO, China Resources [Greater Bay Area]); Mr Li Zhong (Member of the Standing Committee of China Overseas Friendship Association, Chairman of the Huajing Society); Prof. Wang Jixian (Research Director of the Bay Area Hong Kong Centre/Belt and Road Hong Kong Centre; Former Head of the Department of Geography of the University of Hong Kong); Prof. Xu Jiang (Associate Dean [Research], Faculty of Social Science, CUHK); Prof. Li Chen (Associate Professor, Centre for China Studies, and Research Fellow [by courtesy], Lau Chor Tak Institute of Global Economics and Finance [IGEF], CUHK); Dr. Joe Fang (Research Director, One Country Two Systems Research Institute); Prof. Carlos Lo Wing-Hung (Department Head, Department of Government and Public Administration, CUHK); Prof. NG Mee Kam (Vice-Chairman of the Department of Geography and Resource Management, Associate Director of the Institute of Future Cities and the Hong Kong Institute of Asian Pacific Studies, CUHK); Prof. Dongshu Ou (Associate Professor, Department of Educational Administration and Policy, CUHK); Prof. Tim Summers (Assistant Professor, Centre for China Studies, CUHK; Associate Fellow with the Asia-Pacific Programme at Chatham House); Dr. Hon. Wendy Hong Wen (Member of the Legislative Council; Head of Research at the New World Development); Prof. Zeng Tieyong (Director, Center for Mathematical Artificial Intelligence, Department of Mathematics, CUHK); Prof. Xia Jiang (Professor, Department of Chemistry, Professor [by courtesy], School of Life Sciences, CUHK); Prof. Terence Tai Leung Chong (M.H., Associate Head of New Asia College, Executive Director of Lau Chor Tak Institute of Global Economics and Finance [IGEF], CUHK); Dr. Tse Kwok Leung (Senior Research Fellow [Honorary] of Lau Chor Tak Institute of Global Economics and Finance [IGEF], CUHK; Former Head of Economic Research Division at Bank of China [Hong Kong]); Prof. Thomas Hugh (Associate Professor, School of Management and Economics, CUHK Shenzhen); Prof. Anton Malkin (Assistant Professor, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, CUHK Shenzhen).
The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) refers to the area covered by nine cities in Guangdong province and the two special administrative regions (SARs) of Hong Kong and Macao. It is one of the most vibrant and international regions of contemporary China. In February 2019, China’s central government issued the outline development plan for the GBA. The plan envisaged an important role for the GBA in the next stage of China’s development, as a region which could help enhance China’s global competitiveness and innovation strengths. The existing strengths of this region, combined with this policy vision, point to many opportunities to build a modern, innovative and developed region.
The context is, however, a challenging one. Covid-19 came in the midst of an intensifying strategic rivalry between the US and China and challenges to globalisation as a major trend in international political economy. The central government has responded to these challenges with an economic strategy of “dual circulation” which emphasises the importance of domestic demand alongside a resilient approach to engaging with the global economy. Within the GBA, integration and connectivity remain constrained by a variety of institutional gaps and policy barriers. Hence the need for “smart” integration in the GBA. This will require policy innovation which responds to the global, national and local context. Co-organized by researchers at CUHK and CUHK Shenzhen, this symposium has engaged with the key policy and public debates across the range of issues facing the GBA development.
本次研讨会由香港中文大学协理副校长(校外联繫与推广)金江先生致欢迎辞,香港中文大学(深圳)国际事务研究院院长郑永年教授、深圳高等金融研究院政策与实践研究所所长肖耿教授担任主旨演讲嘉宾。研讨嘉宾包括李浩然博士(M.H.,JP.香港特别行政区立法会议员;华润集团粤港澳大湾区首席战略官)、李中先生(中华海外联谊会常务理事、香港华菁会主席、深圳前海青年专业谘询委员会副主任)、王缉宪教授(大湾区香港中心/「一带一路」国际合作香港中心研究总监;前香港大学地理系主任)、徐江教授(香港中文大学社会科学院副院长、地理与资源管理系教授)、黎晨教授(香港中文大学中国研究中心副教授,刘佐德全球经济及金融研究所礼任研究员)、方舟博士(一国两制研究中心研究总监)、卢永鸿教授(香港中文大学政治与行政学系教授及系主任)、伍美琴教授(香港中文大学地理与资源管理学系副主任,未来城市研究所及香港亚太研究所副主任)、欧冬舒教授(香港中文大学教育行政与政策学系副教授)、洪雯博士(香港特别行政区立法会议员,新世界发展有限公司研究主管)、曾铁勇教授(香港中文大学数学系教授,数学人工智能中心主任)、夏江教授(香港中文大学化学系教授,生命科学学院礼任教授)、夏添恩教授(香港中文大学中国研究中心助理教授,查塔姆研究所亚太项目副研究员)、庄太量教授(M.H.,香港中文大学新亚书院副院长,刘佐德全球经济及金融研究所常务所长)、谢国樑博士(香港中文大学刘佐德全球经济及金融研究所名誉高级研究员,中银香港经济研究前主管)、谭安厚教授(香港中文大学[深圳]经管学院副教授)和Anton Malkin教授 (香港中文大学[深圳]人文社科学院助理教授)。本次研讨会由黎晨教授和夏添恩教授策划和主持。
For further highlights of the symposium, please visit: