
中国研究中心 (CCS) 是一个香港中文大学文学院辖下的跨学科学系,致力于促进涉及中国各个领域的学术研究和学习。2024年起,雅礼中国语文研习所併入中国研究中心,为华语二语学习者提供粤语和普通话课程。

我们致力于通过实践教学和让学生了解中国。 我们的学位课程旨在为学生提供知识和技能,令他们能在涉及中国的国际化职业中取得成功。 中国研究中心聚集了一批优秀学者和学生,共同研讨中国历史、经济、治理、商业、文化、语言、文学和现代社会的丰富性和復杂性。中国研究中心充分利用香港中文大学享誉中国和世界的中国研究传统,丰厚资源和创新能力,为学生创造和提供良好的学习研究条件。



– 以跨学科方法探索大中华区
– 全方位深讨中国的过去、现在和未来
– 强调互动教学的“博雅教育”模式
– 通过沉浸式学习理解社会文化
– 通过实证研究加强学生分析能力和沟通技巧
– 撘建覆盖香港、中国大陆及海外的国际化职业网络


  • To lead cross-Faculty and interdisciplinary initiatives in China Studies, reflecting “China: Tradition and Modernity” as a strategic research focus of CUHK and contribute to the mission of the Faculty of Arts.
  • To develop a high profile in Hong Kong, the Greater Bay Area, and beyond as a major research and teaching centre on contemporary China and Chinese language.
  • To train new generations of global China experts, with the knowledge and skills to understand China deeply and the ability to communicate effectively to a global audience.
  • To enhance Putonghua and Cantonese communication skills for the diversified university student population, as well as the wider local community, and to promote Chinese language and culture to the community to demonstrate the importance of being trilingual and biliterate in Hong Kong.

Following the merger with the Yale-China Chinese Language Centre in August 2024, the reconstituted and strengthened CCS offers primarily English-taught undergraduate and postgraduate programmes on contemporary China which explore the richness and complexity of China in a global context, and world-leading Chinese language education (both Putonghua and Cantonese). 

Our interdisciplinary research and teaching is led by a diverse faculty with expertise in Chinese language, society, governance, culture, literature, history, economy, and business.

CCS’s programmes bring together students from Hong Kong, mainland China, and the rest of the world to learn through critical inquiry and interactive discussion in and outside of class, with strong emphasis on experiential learning.

Our location in Hong Kong facilitates direct engagement with mainland China and offers access to rich resources for China Studies.

Programmes and teaching


We offer undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in Chinese Studies. These are primarily taught in English.  

BA in Chinese Studies 
MA in Chinese Studies
MPhil and PhD in Chinese Studies 

Click here to see our student feedback!


香港中文大学位处香港,毗邻深圳,为中国研究提供了理想的地理位置和求学环境,使探索中国社会丰富性和复杂性的学者和学生为之著迷。 香港是一个充满活力的国际化城市,中国文化和其他文化在此相遇、交流和融合。 我们的学生可以利用香港中文大学得天独厚的地理位置,在课堂之外进行大量拓展学习:学生们不仅能够在港中大的图书馆、艺术博物馆和档案馆了解香港历史,亦能走上街头探索香港的各个角落,而且能在半小时内到达深圳,去往大陆不同地区进行实地考察、社会实践以及暑期实习,体验沉浸式学习。 按了解更多我们学习和生活的情况!

Why Hong Kong?

The ideal environment to study China, Hong Kong is a vibrant global city where Chinese and other cultures meet, mix, and mesh.
CUHK’s world-famous libraries, archives, museums and resources for studying China.
Easy to travel across China (Shenzhen is only 20 minutes away!).
Click here to learn more about our Learning & Living Environment!
Build an international, cross-cultural network for developing careers
in Hong Kong, mainland China, and beyond.


  • 娴熟的中英双语能力
  • 阐释中国社会复杂的多维角度
  • 强大的分析和沟通能力
  • 跨文化的社交网络
  • 国际化的视野

我们为学生提供跨学科的专业知识,培养他们的分析及执行能力, 帮助他们在涉及中国,面向国际的事业发展中取得成功。按阅读更多我们的学生就读感想!