
The Capstone (or Final Year) Project is a year-long project carried out independently by final year students under the supervision of a professor. It gives our final year students the opportunity to design, research, and write an in-depth research paper on a self-chosen subject in Chinese Studies to showcase their knowledge in theories and methods, as well as analytical skills and interests in different aspects relating to Greater China learnt from different courses.

To allow enough time to plan and carry out the Project, all final year students should take the research methods course CHES3500 in Final Year Term 1 to formulate a research proposal. Students should also approach teachers as early as possible to discuss their intended project. In Final Year Term 2, students carry out the research and write their paper in multiple drafts. They will receive feedback and comments from their instructors as well as peers and revise their draft into a final paper.

Registration of CHES4500 will be handled by the Centre Office. Students with special requests (such as Advance Standing) should fill out the registration form for CHES3500 and CHES4500 and submit it to the Department Office before the deadline in order to avoid delays in graduation. 

The Capstone Projects are formally presented in an annual Undergraduate Student Forum at the end of the academic year. Students of all years are welcome and highly encouraged to attend this Forum. This is the opportunity to learn about the projects that your fellow students have done. Come see their presentations and give them your support!

Below are some of the capstone projects our CCS students have conducted in the past few years:”


Cultural and Social Studies

  • Cultural History of Hong Kong’s Prostitution: A Case Study of Tong Sai Fung Yuet
  • Retelling and Continuity: A study on adaptation of female image in the Legend of White Snake
  • Family Portrait of a Chinese Nation: Museal Construction of Imagined Kinships and Communities between Ethnic Minorities
  • Falling into the trap of consumerism or a shortcut to self-actualization? China’s Feminine Economy and the Journey of ‘Grass-Planting’ in Luxury Consumption
  • The Change of Ministry of Korean Missionaries in Hong Kong in Post COVID-19 Era
  • “Comparative Analysis of Academic Anxiety: A Study on Non-Local and Local Students’ Experiences” Based on university students in CUHK

Economic Impact and Policy Analysis in China

  • Were the Students Satisfied: COVID-19 Crisis Management of the Chinese Universities? A Case Study of Peking University
  • Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill (Anti-ELAB) Movement and the Spatial Appropriation in Hong Kong: Case Study of CUHK Canteens
  • How teachers feel about the Teacher Training Program? Urban Renewal: A Case Study of Sham Shui Po Redevelopment Project Regarding Compensation Policy in Residents and Shopkeepers’ Perspective
  • China’s Double Reduction Policy: Its Economic Impact and Educational Socialism
  • A Possibility for Chinese Neutrality Policy: An Examination of The Coal Industry

Youth Behavior and Consumerism

  • Exploring the Impact of Parents’ Relationship on the College Students’ Desirable Romantic Relationships
  • Exploring Key Influences on Reverse Brain Drain: An Examination of Pull Factors and Attractiveness in China’s Youth Population
  • Digital intimacy and consumerism from Otome game perspective
  • Exploring the Douyin Mania among Hong Kong Teenagers: Gratification as the Driving Force Exploring the Importance of Douyin in Consumer Behavior in Chinese College Students at Hong Kong’s Universities
  • For Chinese Generation Z, how does the interplay between traditional values and modern ideals influence their spending behaviors in cosmetics?

Chinese Market Insights and Innovations

  • Chinese Games Pouring to Overseas Market: Factors and Future
  • The Socio-Political Dynamics of Shadow Banking in China: A Deep Dive
  • Sales Competitiveness of the Chinese EV Industry in the Asian Market (A Case Study of BYD)
  • China’s Influence on Global E-Sports Market
  • The Potential Risks Posed by Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) to Hong Kong’s Banking Industry
  • Activating the Chinese Electric Vehicle Market without Purchase Subsidies


Covid and Society

  • COVID-19 & Online Education: How Online Learning Affects the Mental and Emotional Health of University Students in Hong Kong?
  • How has the educational investment of Korean migrant mothers in Shanghai changed while dealing with COVID-19? A case study of mother’s role and Korean migrant mothers in Shanghai
  • Maintaining Stability in Digital Times: The Role of the New Media to Agglomerate Public Sentiment under the 2022 Shanghai COVID-19 Outbreak

Culture and Society

  • ‘Play from Home’: Towards a New Approach of Neighbourhood Playscape in Transitional Housing
  • Can WeChat be a political propaganda tool of Contemporary China beyond the border? A Case Study of Shanghai Lockdown Policies and Media System Dependency
  • Difficulties in the Social Integration Status of Migrant Children in Vocational High School: The Case of Guangzhou
  • Marry Up? Or Marry Love? -The Modern Form of Marriage of Matching Door (門當戶對) Among Young Generation Females in Hong Kong
  • Metaphor and Symbol of Chinese women’s Qipao: Hong Kong as Examples
  • The Discourse of Gym Advertisement: How Do Gym-Related YouTube Channels Shape the Ideal Image and Practices of CUHK Hong Kong Male Students Who Goes to the Gym?
  • Will You Cut Your Birthday Cake? —To determine the extent to which Japanese and Chinese views of women differ from advertising perspective

Hong Kong Identity

  • Hong Kong’s Recent Developments in Art and Culture and the Opportunities for Foreign Investors in the Art Business
  • How has MTR Corporation’s “Rail+Property” business model affected Hong Kong’s real estate market?
  • Imagining Home for All: Local Community Activism and Hong Kong Identity
  • Nostalgia, Amnesia, and the Spectre: Time and Space in “Rouge” (Yanzhi Kou 胭脂扣) and “The Rise and Fall of Wing Shing Street” (Yongshengjie Xingshuaishi 永盛街興衰史)
  • The adaption of life and preservation of identity of Hong Konger migrated to UK
  • The struggle of identity: multiculturalism in Hong Kong and its social implications

Technology and Chinese Economy

  • Analyzing Foreign Firm’s Criteria for Success in Penetrating the Mainland Chinese Market: Tactical Strategy by Sequoia China and DHL
  • How Sino-Foreign Joint Ventures affect the competitiveness of China’s Domestic Automobile Industry: The case of Geely Automobile and Beijing Hyundai Motor Company
  • Investigation on the Environmental Smartphone Marketing Trend of Leading Asian Firms: A Case Study on Samsung and Xiaomi Corporation
  • Techno-nationalism: Impact on smartphone consumption of Mainland Chinese and Korean Students in Hong Kong
  • The competitiveness of China’s FinTech industry
  • The U.S. – China Economic Interdependence: A PEST analysis on the relations between China and the U.S.
  • To what extent has digital finance contributed to financial inclusion in China?



  • Sino-Japanese Relationship and Perception of Zhou Enlai in Japanese Newspaper in the 1970s
  • Development of Oracle Bone Studies and Breakthroughs in Recent Decades

Art and Literature

  • Hong Kong’s Independent Film
  • Contemporary Chinese Art under Censorship
  • Chinese Art Auction at Christie’s and Wannenes
  • Gaojia Opera (高甲戲): Inheritance and Development in Southern Fujian

Culture and Society

  • Cantopop in Search of Identity Recognition
  • Chinese TV Drama and Popular Cultural Export in the 21st Century
  • Chinese Masculinity as Perceived by Urban Female Jiulinghou (九零後)
  • Environmental NGOs in China: A Case Study of Qiandao Lake Water Fund
  • Guochao (國潮) in Chines Beauty Industry: Cultural Appreciation or Appropriation
  • Korean Wave in China after THAAD Deployment Decision

Economy and Commerce

  • Taobao Usage among “Yellow Economic Circle”
  • China’s Online Judicial Auction System: A Case Study in Shenzhen
  • Online Shopping Platform Choice among Mainland Chinese Students in Hong Kong
  • Traditional Chinese Craftsmanship in Chinese Luxury Branding
  • Cathay Pacific: Expansion of the Aviation Business Market from Hong Kong to Mainland China
  • US-China Technology Hegemony War: Semiconductor and 5G
  • Impacts of Belt and Road Initiative on RMB internationalization