Assistant Professor / MA Programme Director
PhD Chinese Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Tim Summers’ teaching and research focuses on the international relations and political economy of contemporary China. Tim is the author of three books, China’s Hong Kong: the politics of a global city (Agenda, 2019 & 2021), China’s Regions in an Era of Globalisation (Routledge, 2018) and Yunnan – A Chinese Bridgehead to Asia (Chandos, 2013), as well as journal articles on topics from the Belt and Road Initiative and UK-China relations to maritime politics. He has authored a number of policy research papers for both Chatham House and the Lau China Institute at King’s College, London. Tim is also Assistant Professor (by courtesy) in CUHK’s School of Governance and Policy Science, and a member of the Policy Research and Global China programmes at CUHK. He is Programme Director of the MA in Chinese Studies at CCS.
Research Interests
- international relations
- political economy of contemporary China
- Chinese politics; regional development
Representative Publications
Books and Edited Volumes
2019 | Summers, Tim. China’s Hong Kong: The Politics of a Global City, Second Edition. Agenda Publishing, 2021. |
2018 | Summers, Tim. China’s Regions in an Era of Globalization. Routledge, 2018. |
2013 | Summers, Tim. Yunnan – A Chinese Bridgehead to Asia: A Case Study of China’s Political and Economic Relations with its Neighbors. Cambridge: Chandos Publishing, 2013. |
Journal Articles & Book Chapters
2025 | Wei, Rong & Tim Summers. “The Chinese Government’s Negotiating Strategy Over the Future of Hong Kong: Revisiting the 1984 Sino-British Joint Declaration“. The International History Review, 1–18. |
2024 | Summers, Tim, Li, Chen and Miao, Chunzi. “British Economic Strategy and Regional Institutions in Asia, 2016–2024“. Asia Europe Journal, 22, 403–421. |
2023 | Summers, Tim. UK-China Academic Relations in a World of Strategic Rivalry. In Wong Suk Ying et al. (eds), Reimagining the Humanities: Chinese and Western Perspectives. Beijing: Commercial Press, 579-608, 2023 |
2023 | Summers, Tim. Maritime politics as discourse in the Indo/Asia-Pacific. Territory, Politics, Governance, 11(3), 572-589, 2023 |
2022 | Summers, Tim. Britain and Hong Kong: the 2019 protests and their aftermath. Asian Education and Development Studies 11(2), 276-286, 2022 |
2022 | Summers, Tim. Worsening British views of China in 2020: evidence from public opinion, parliament and the media. With Hiu Man Chan, Peter Gries & Richard Turcsanyi. Asia Europe Journal 20, 173-194, 2022 |
2021 | Summers, Tim. Economic Statecraft in Anglo-Chinese Relations: Recalling the Hong Kong Airport Negotiations. Diplomacy & Statecraft 32(4), 789-809, 2021 |
2021 | Summers, Tim. Carrots, not Sticks: A Historical Analysis of Beijing’s Economic Statecraft Towards Hong Kong. Journal of Current Chinese Affairs 50(3), 422-437, 2021 |
2021 | Summers, Tim. “Imagining Brexit: The UK’s China Policy after the Referendum” in A new beginning or more of the same: The European Union and East Asia after Brexit, edited by Michael Reilly and Chun-yi Lee, ,Palgrave Macmillan, 2021 |
2020 | Summers, Tim. Negotiating the boundaries of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space 38(5): 809-813, 2020 |
2020 | Summers, Tim. “Structural power and the financing of the Belt and Road Initiative.”, Eurasian Geography and Economics, Volume 61, 2020 – Issue 2: 146-151. |
2019 | Summers, Tim. “The Belt and Road Initiative in Southwest China: Responses from Yunnan Province.” The Pacific Review, Volume 34, 2021 – Issue 2: 206-229. |
2019 | Summers, Tim. “The External Affairs of the Hong Kong SAR: UK-Hong Kong Economic Relations.” Asian Education and Development Studies. |
2019 | Summers, Tim. “The UK’s China policy under US-China strategic rivalry: the impact of think tank research.” China Quarterly of International Strategic Studies 5(2): 1-20, 2019. |
2018 | Summers, Tim. “Rocking the boat? China’s ‘belt and road’ and global order” in China’s Presence in the Middle East: The implications of the One Belt, One Road Initiative edited by Anoushiravan Ehteshami and Niv Horesh, 2018. |
2018 | Summers, Tim. “The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region at 20: Evaluating the Sino-British Joint Declaration.” Asian Education and Development Studies 7(1): 89-101. |
2017 | Summers, Tim. “Chinese multilateralism: diluting the TPP”, in The changing currents of transpacific integration: China, the TPP, and beyond edited byAdrian Hearn and Margaret Myers. Lynne Rienner, 2017. Routledge, 2018. |
2016 | Summers, Tim. “British Policy toward Hong Kong and its Political Reform.”, Issues & Studies, Vol. 52, No. 4. |
2016 | Summers, Tim. “Thinking inside the box: China and global/regional governance.” Rising Powers Quarterly, 1(1): 23-31. |
2016 | Summers, Tim. “Discourses and institutions in China’s maritime disputes”, China Information. |
2016 | Summers, Tim. “China’s ‘New Silk Roads’: sub-national regions and networks of global political economy”, Third World Quarterly, Volume 37, 2016 – Issue 9: 1628-1643. |
2015 | Summers, Tim. “Society and politics in China Today”, review article, International Affairs 91 (5): 1151-60. |
2015 | Summers, Tim. “China’s approaches to globalisation”, China’s World, Vol. 1, Issue 1. |
2014 | Summers, Tim, Ash, Robert and Porter, Robin. “Rebalancing towards a Sustainable Future: China’s Twelfth Five-Year Programme” in China and the EU in Context: Insights for Business and Investors, edited by Kerry Brown. London: Palgrave MacMillan, 2014. |
2012 | Summers, Tim. “(Re)positioning Yunnan: Region and Nation in Contemporary Provincial Narratives”, Journal of Contemporary China, 21(75): 445-59. |
2011 | Summers, Tim. “China’s Western Regions 2020: Their National and Global Implications” in China 2020:What Policy Makers Need to Know About the New Rising Power in the Coming Decade, edited by Kerry Brown. Chandos, 2011. |
2008 | Summers, Tim. “China and the Mekong Regions.” China Perspectives, 2008 (3): 68-77. |
2023 | Summers, Tim. Shaping the policy debate: How does the British media present China? Lau China Institute Policy Series 2023. China in the World No. 8, in partnership with CUHK. |
2018 | Summers, Tim, Kwok, K.C. and Lau, Lawrence. “EU-China Innovation Relations: From Zero Sum to Global Networks.” Chatham House Research Paper. |
2017 | Summers, Tim, Garcia-Herrero, Kwok, K.C., Liu, Xiangdong and Zhang, Yansheng. “EU-China economic relations to 2025: building a common future.” joint research paper for Chatham House, Bruegel, CUHK and China Center for International Economic Exchanges. |
2014 | Summers, Tim. “China’s Global Personality.” Chatham House research paper. |
2013 | Summers, Tim. “China’s New Leadership: Approaches to International Affairs.” Chatham House briefing paper. |
2012 | Summers, Tim, Ash, Robert and Porter, Robin. “China, the EU, and China’s Twelfth Five-Year Programme.” for the European External Action Service (under the EU-China Research and Advice Network). |
Current Research Projects
2020, ‘A community of shared future’: ideas debates and innovations in China’s global vision, Direct Grant for Research |
2018, China’s Belt and Road Initiative: Provincial Policy Responses in Yunnan, Direct Grant for Research |
Courses Offered
CHES1101 | China in Global Perspectives |
CHES3006 (CCSS3500) | China's Strategic and Diplomatic Cultures |
CHES3010 | Governing China |
CHES3107/ CHES5149 | China and Regional Order |
CHES5001B | Perspectives on Chinese Studies |
CHES5002B | Chinese Studies Field Trip |
CHES5108 | Selected Themes in Chinese Politics |
CHES5130 | China’s Regions and their Global Interactions |
CHES5201 | Independent Study Project |
CHES5202 | Research Lab |
CHES6010 | China Seminar 1 |
CHES6020 | China Seminar 2 |
CHES8001A | Thesis Guidance |
CHES8001B | Thesis Guidance |