Chen LI

Associate Professor / Associate Director / Graduate Division Head of Chinese Studies

PhD Development Studies, University of Cambridge

Room 1108, 11/F,
Yasumoto International Academic Park

3943 9542

Prof LI Chen is Associate Professor and Associate Director at the Centre for China Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). He is also Research Fellow (by courtesy) at CUHK’s Lau Chor Tak Institute of Global Economics and Finance (IGEF), Associate Professor (by courtesy) at CUHK’s School of Governance and Policy Science, and Non-resident Fellow at the Institute for International Affairs (IIA) at CUHK (Shenzhen). He has researched, written and taught on a wide range of issues in China’s political economy, development strategy, public policy, and business environment in the global context, such as China’s state-owned-enterprise reform, financial governance, government-business relations, and industrial & regional development policies. He received his PhD and MPhil in Development Studies from the University of Cambridge and Dual Bachelor degrees of Law (International Political Economy) and Economics from Peking University. He has been frequently interviewed by international and local media, with views quoted by FortuneWall Street JournalThe EconomistLianhe Zaobao (Singapore) and South China Morning Post, among others. He also regularly contributes opinion pieces to China Daily.

Research Interests

  • China’s political economy
  • Global political economy
  • Development policy
  • Regulation, governance & institutional analysis
  • Business and financial history

Representative Publications

Books and Edited Volumes


Li, Chen. China’s Centralized Industrial Order: Industrial Reform and the Rise of Centrally Controlled Big Business. London and New York: Routledge, 2015.

Journal Articles & Book Chapters


Summers, Tim, Li, Chen and Miao, Chunzi. “British Economic Strategy and Regional Institutions in Asia, 2016–2024“. Asia Europe Journal, 22, 403–421.


Zhang, Shidai, and Li, Chen. 2024. “Cadre Personnel Management and the Central–Local Relations of China’s Financial Governance: The Rise of ‘Airlifted’ Vice-Provincial Governors in Financial Affairs.” Journal of Contemporary China, June, 1–18. 


Li, Chen and Zheng, Huanhuan. “Boom and Bust, Chinese Style: Multi-task Regulatory Dilemma and China’s Stock Market Crisis in 2015”. Competition & Change, 27(1), 94-114.


Lim, Guanie and LI, Chen. “Foreign Direct Investment and Local Employment: Demystifying the Belt and Road Initiative Projects in Malaysia”, in Political, Economic and Social Dimensions of Labour Markets, edited by Soon Beng Chew, Lingli Huang and Kai Xiang Kwa. Singapore: World Scientific, 2022, 141-157.


Zheng, Huanhuan and Li, Chen. “Can Money Buy Friendship?—Evidence from the US and China’s Competition for Influence through Foreign Aid”. The World Economy, 45(10), 3224–3245. 


Lim, Guanie, Li, Chen and Ji, Xianbai. “Chinese Financial Statecraft in Southeast Asia: An Analysis of China’s Infrastructure Provision in Malaysia.” The Pacific Review, 35(4), 647-675.


Li, Chen, Zheng, Huanhuan and Liu, Yunbo. “Hybrid Regulatory Regime in Turbulent Times: The Role of State in China’s Stock Market Crisis in 2015-2016.” Regulation & Governance, 16, 392-408.


Li, Chen. “Neoliberalism in Contemporary China” in Economic Neoliberalism and International Development, edited by Michael Tribe. London and New York: Routledge, 2021, 165-183.


Lim, Guanie, Li, Chen and Syailendra, Emirza Adi. “Why is It so Hard to Push Chinese Railway Projects in Southeast Asia? The Role of Domestic Politics in Malaysia and Indonesia.” World Development, 138, 105272.


Li, Chen and Chen, Muyang. “National Champions, Reforms and Industrial Policy in China” in Oxford Handbook of Industrial Policy, edited by Arkebe Oqubay, Christopher Cramer, Ha-Joon Chang and Richard Kozul-Wright. Oxford: Oxford University Press, November 2020, 716–748.


Li, Chen. “Hong Kong’s Economy Navigating Turbulent Times.” East Asian Policy, 12(1), 59-71.


Li, Chen. “China’s Central State Corporatism: the Party and the Governance of Centrally Controlled Businesses”, in The Chinese Communist Party in Action: Consolidating Party Rule. China Policy Series. Routledge, edited by Lance L.P. Gore and Zheng Yongnian. New York: Routledge, 2019, 220-239.


Li, Chen. “Holding “China Inc.” Together: The CCP and The Rise of China’s Yangqi.” The China Quarterly 228: 927-949.


Li, Chen. “How Inevitable is a ‘Clash of Civilizations’?” Journal of Cambridge Studies, 5 (2-3), 104-116.



LI, Chen. Policy Address provides new impetus for Hong Kong’s innovation and technology development, China Daily, Hong Kong Edition, October 21, 2024.


LI, Chen. 全球化大變局下的國際合作與香港國際金融中心建設, 現代金融導刊  Modern Finance Guide, 2024(3): 24-27.


LI, Chen and Matthew Li. Strengthening connectivity key to high-quality development in GBA, China Daily, Hong Kong Edition, April 23, 2024.


LI, Chen. Hong Kong needs targeted fiscal policies for growth, not deficit scare, China Daily, Hong Kong Edition,  February 29, 2024.


LI, Chen. 深化互聯互通 促灣區高質量發展香港文匯報, 23 February, 2024.


LI, Chen. 駁「香港玩完論」大灣區評論, 20 February, 2024.


LI, Chen. 建設國際創新科技中心,香港需多方面發力環球時報, 26 Oct, 2023.


LI, Chen. HK Safeguarded from Banking Turbulence in the Western Systems, China Daily, Hong Kong Edition,  03 April, 2023.


LI, Chen. 反思歐美銀行危機,把握香港金融發展機遇香港文匯報, 24 March, 2023.


LI, Chen. 香港金融業凸顯獨特優勢環球時報, 23 March, 2023.


Li, Chen. “Book Review of RIVERS OF IRON: Railroads and Chinese Power in Southeast Asia.” Pacific Affairs, 96(2):382-384.


LI, Chen. 香港要當好中阿合作新時代「超級聯繫人」香港文匯報, 09 Feb, 2023.


LI, Chen.  全球化大變局與香港國際金融中心建設紫荊雜誌 Bauhinia Magazine, 22 Dec, 2022.


LI, Chen. 吸引高質素資本,開拓科創金融業務香港文匯報, 09 Nov, 2022.


LI, Chen.  發揮香港樞紐優勢,推進“一帶一路”建設紫荊雜誌 Bauhinia Magazine, 20 Sep, 2022.


Chua, Alvin and LI, Chen. 為何美歐加息中國降息?全球通脹“表徵”背後還有深層次“病根”中國日報中文網,16 Sep, 2022


Chua, Alvin and LI, Chen. Restorative Prescription: Uneven Global Inflation is Symptom of Underlying Economic ChallengesChina Daily, Global Edition, 16 Sep, 2022


LI, Chen.  把握「雙循環」機遇 增強發展動能香港文匯報, 17 Aug, 2022.


LI, Chen. 鞏固香港競爭優勢,提升國際金融中心地位光明日報,  31 May, 2022. 


LI, Chen. Results-Oriented Approach a Commitment to Action, China Daily, Hong Kong Edition, 6 May, 2022. 


LI, Chen. 提升管治能力,更好應對危機香港文匯報, 5 May, 2022. 


LI, Chen. “City Must Capitalize on its Fiscal Resilience to Overcome COVID-19 Pandemic“, China Daily Hong Kong Edition, 8 March, 2022


LI, Chen. “增強政府動員能力抗擊疫情”Wen Wei Po 文匯報, 5 March, 2022


LI, Chen. “充分發揮香港的財政韌性”, Wen Wei Po 文匯報, 1 March, 2022


LI, Chen. “Mobilization Capacity must Increase to Fight COVID-19”, China Daily Hong Kong Edition, 18 February, 2022


LI, Chen. “前海當先鋒, 深港金融合作更上層樓”, Wen Wei Po 文匯報, 13 September, 2021


LI, Chen. “「十四五」規劃與香港青年發展的時代機遇”, Wen Wei Po 文匯報, 30 August, 2021


LI, Chen. “如何進一步釋放粵港澳大灣區的財富潛力?”, Wen Wei Po 文匯報, 10 August, 2021


Chua, Alvin and LI, Chen. “美國國債市場和利率走勢走向何方?”, Financial Times 中文网,24 March, 2021


Chua, Alvin and LI, Chen. “Gazing into a Crystal Ball”, China Daily Global Edition, 19 March, 2021


Li, Chen. “Policy Infrastructure Crucial to Region’s Smart Integration”, China Daily Hong Kong Edition, 12 March, 2021.


Li, Chen. “Time to Unleash the Greater Bay Area’s Wealth Creation.” China DailyHong Kong Edition, 28 July 2021.


Li, Chen. “香港經濟復甦的動力與挑戰.” Wen Wei Po 文匯報, 20-21 July 2021.


Chua, Alvin and Li, Chen. “At a Turning Point.” China DailyGlobal Edition, 4 June 2021.


Ji, Xianbai, Li, Chen and Lim, Guanie. “Debunking 3 Myths About Chinese Investment in Malaysia“, The Diplomat, 29 March 2021.


Li, Chen. “Short-Term Measures, Long-Term Planning to Navigate Turbulence.” China Daily, Hong Kong Edition, 11 January 2021.


Li, Chen. “Stock Market, Financial Governance and China’s Innovation.” Hong Kong International Finance Review, No.1 (December 2020): 45-60.


Li, Chen. “HK’s New Opportunities, Positioning in China’s ‘Dual Circulation’ Plan.”, China Daily, Hong Kong Edition, 28 December 2020.


Li, Chen. “「雙循環」格局下香港發展的新機遇與新定位” Wen Wei Po 文匯報, 21 December, 2020.


Li, Chen. “以創新引領中國經濟增長模式的轉型.” Wen Wei Po 文匯報, 1 December, 2020.


Li, Chen. “Powering Ahead.” China Daily, Global Edition, 30 November 2020.


Li, Chen. “Big Business Boost.” China Daily, Global Edition, 7 September 2020.


Li, Chen. “中國大公司的趕超之路.” Wen Wei Po 文匯報, 1 September 2020.


Sheng, Andrew and Li, Chen. “”摸著石頭過河”:中國股票市場開始走向成熟.” China Daily, 11 August 2020.


Sheng, Andrew and Li, Chen. “Chinese Stock Exchanges have Come of Age.” China Daily, Global Edition, 7 August 2020.


Li, Chen. “Hong Kong’s Competitive Advantage still Strong.” China Daily, Global Edition, 21 July 2020.

Li, Chen. “美國制裁不能撼動香港競爭優勢.” Wen Wei Po 文匯報, 7 July, 2020.

Li, Chen. “自身競爭優勢才是香港繁榮基石.” Wen Wei Po 文匯報, 18 June, 2020.


Li, Chen. “Competitive Edge will be Key to HK’s Prosperity.” China Daily, Global Edition, 5 June 2020.


Li, Chen. “美中止港「特殊貿易地位」威脅多大?.” Sing Tao Daily 星島日報, 29 May  2020.


Li, Chen. “Will the US Suspend Hong Kong’s ‘Special Trade Status’?” Hong Kong Institution for International Finance (HKIIF) Review, 25 May 2020.


Li, Chen. “全球市場震盪中的中國機遇.” Wen Wei Po 文匯報, 9 May 2020.


Li, Chen. “Grey Rhino, Not a Black Swan.” China Daily, Global Edition, 26 March 2020.


Li, Chen. “Hong Kong’s Economy in 2019 and Outlook for 2020.” East Asian Institute (EAI) Background Briefs No. 1499, 6 February 2020.


Li, Chen. “Promise of Virtual Money.” China Daily, Global Edition, 14 February 2020.


Li, Chen. “No Time for Complacency.” China Daily, Global Edition, 13 December 2019.


Li, Chen, “Quick Fixes Won’t Be Enough for Hong Kong.” China Daily, Global Edition, 1 November 2019.


Li, Chen. “Patient Capital in Impatient Times.” China Daily, Global Edition, 28 August 2019.


Li, Chen. “Financing China’s Innovation Economy.” China Daily, Global Edition, 7 August 2019.


Li, Chen. “Asia’s “Flying Geese”.” China Daily, Global Edition, 22 July 2019.


Li Chen. “Book Review of China’s Evolving Industrial Policies and Economic Restructuring.” Pacific Affairs, 89(4):868-870.


Li Chen, Xiao Geng and Andrew Sheng. “China’s Evolving Growth Model.” in Fung Global Institute Working Paper. Hong Kong: Fung Global Institute, 2013.


Li Chen, Xiao Geng and Andrew Sheng. “The Story of Foshan City: Rethinking the Role of State and Market in China’s Modernization.” in Fung Global Institute Working Research Report. Hong Kong: Fung Global Institute, 2013.

Current Research Projects

2024, Industrial Policy, Financialization, and the Political Economy of Corporate Restructuring in China’s Central State Enterprise (Yangqi) Sector, CUHK Direct Grant 

2022, Development Banking and Industrial Policies in China, CUHK Direct Grant

2020, Neoliberalism and Economic Policymaking in Contemporary China, CUHK Direct Grant

2018, Hybrid Regulatory Regime and the Role of State in China’s Stock Market Crisis 2014-2015, RGC Early Career Scheme

2015, The Political Economy of China’s Central State Corporatism: Chinese Communist Party and Large State-controlled Business Groups, Seed Funding for New Recruits

Courses Offered

CHES1000 Introduction to Chinese Studies
UGEC2435 Business and Government in China
CHES2102 China’s Business Environment in Historical Perspective
CHES2109 State and Market in Modern China
CHES3002 China's Financial Reforms: Problems and Perspectives
CHES3011 Financialization and China’s Development
CHES4500 Thesis Research Paper
CHES5159 Financialization and China’s Development
CHES5201 Independent Study Project