Shuang XIAO

PhD candidate in Chinese Studies, admitted in 2023
MA in Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, Sichuan University
BA in English, Southwest Petroleum University

I have many years’ work experience in translation and teaching. I have translated various kinds of text, whose topic ranges from business to technology, from the academic to the military, but it is literature that I feel a strongest affinity with.  

My PHD project attempts to enrich the translator-centered research by adopting a humanizing approach to study an individual translator’s life-work, identity, and creative energy under a specific historical, social and cultural context. By presenting in great detail the life-work of the British sinologist and translator John Minford (born 1946), this study seeks to generate valid observation about literary translators as West-East cultural mediators in the contemporary world, add a piece to the overall picture of the history of Chinese literature in English translation, and shine a light on the translator’s contribution to the cultural and social domains of life.

Current Research Projects

Culture and Translation: A Case Study of the Scholar-Gipsy John Minford (文化與翻譯:逍遙學者閔福德研究)