Course Code and Course Title
[CHES5149/CHES3107] China and Regional Order in Asia
Time and Venue
Thu 10:30 - 13:15
Course Description
This course looks at China’s changing international relationships in Asia and beyond through frameworks and concepts in the International Relations (IR) literature. Part I sets out the context, Part II examines some of the main approaches in IR, while Part III applies these to questions of regionalism in East Asia, maritime politics, and the Belt and Road Initiative.
Course Outline
Part I: Introduction and context
1. Introduction: Course objectives and key concepts
2. The Historical Chinese World Order
3. International Relations theory and its limitations
4. Chinese foreign policy since 1949: ideas, institutions and debates
II. China and Regional Order: contested frameworks
5. Offensive realism: Can China rise peacefully?
6. Liberal International Order
7. The English School and Regional Order
8. Selected Chinese thinking on international order I
9. Selected Chinese thinking on international order II
III. Case studies: China and regional order in Asia
10. China and (East) Asian regionalism
11. Maritime politics and regional order in East Asia
12. The Belt and Road Initiative and regional/global order